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AIQ works to improve the operations of the Energy sector and reduce its carbon emissions and environmental impact.

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AIQ's sustainability agenda is in line with the UAE’s commitment to Net Zero Carbon by 2050.

AIQ is consistently working on developing smart technologies and creating transformational innovations aimed at lowering the carbon footprint of industrial operations.

Existing sustainable and decarbonization solutions are often CAPEX-intensive; with successful deployment requiring deep insight, planning, and analysis.

AIQ is developing products that utilize Machine Learning and predictive analytics to accurately monitor, forecast and report GHG emissions information in real-time and cost effectively.

AIQ's Vision for
Sustainable Energy

Social Impact

AIQ Sustain is designed to scope and predict emissions information from a wide range of data streams, providing highly accurate and comprehensive emissions positions. This in turn facilitates informed planning and execution of strategies to support carbon abatement initiatives.

Management of carbon-related risks and factors are also made possible, including regulatory compliance, reputation management, and operational hazard mitigation.

Partnership and Collaborations

It is AIQ's firm belief that meaningful, impactful sustainability is a collaborative pursuit, and as such we partner and interact with a wide range of entities to achieve our goals.

However, we also believe lasting partnerships are characterized by a shared vision of what there is to be accomplished. We take care of which organizations and causes we align ourselves to, and insist they are similarly working towards ADNOC’s net zero operations 2045 ambitions.

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